Uniform Guidance
At St John Henry Newman Catholic Primary School, we believe that our uniform encourages a sense of pride in appearance and a feeling of belonging to the school family. Therefore, the rules concerning uniform are strongly encouraged and continually enforced.
Uniform items are available from our on-line supplier, Nationwide School Uniforms and samples of jumper and cardigans are available in the school for you to try on your child.
Uniform List
- Navy Blue ‘v’ neck jumper or cardigan with red stripe – available from Nationwide Uniforms
- Grey tailored school trousers or shorts
- White buttoned school shirt (not polo shirt)
- St John Henry Newman School tie – available from Nationwide Uniforms
- Plain grey or black socks
- Sensible black shoes or boots
- Navy Blue ‘v’ neck jumper or cardigan with red stripe – available from Nationwide Uniforms
- Grey skirt, pinafore dress or formal tailored trousers
- White buttoned school shirt (not polo shirt)
- St John Henry Newman School tie – available from Nationwide Uniforms
- Plain white or grey socks or Navy or grey tights
- Sensible black shoes or boots
- During the summer term girls may choose either to remain in full winter uniform or wear a navy and white gingham checked dress. Summer change to black, navy or grey sandals.
PE Kit
- Plain Navy Tee Shirt or School Logo Tee Shirt
- Plain Navy shorts - no shorter than mid-thigh
- Plain Navy tracksuit bottoms/ leggings – no big logos
- Plain Navy Hoodie/Jumper or School Logo Navy PE hoodie
- Suitable outdoor trainers
- Long hair to be tied back
- Hat/cap for the summer term
Foundation Stage / Reception
There are a few exceptions to the above uniform for these children. We would suggest that reception children wear short sleeved white shirts instead of those with buttoned cuffs. When playing with water, paint, glue etc. they find it impossible to undo buttons, roll up sleeves and then re-fasten cuffs.
All children should have a pair of Wellington boots or an additional pair of suitable outdoor shoes in school for winter outdoor play.
In general terms, jewellery is not allowed at any time. However, the wearing of religious items such as; rosary beads, crucifix etc is permitted. For a child who has pierced ears, one pair of small plain studs in the ear lobe is acceptable but not encouraged. Children in all classes are allowed to wear a watch (analogue, digital or smart).
Any jewellery items worn in school, must be removed when taking part in PE lessons. The school will not be held responsible for any injury or loss caused as a result of wearing any of these items.
Hair must be neat and in a conventional style. No colourings or fashion statements. Hair accessories must be in school colours only (navy/white/black or hair-coloured)
We would urge you to name all items of uniform as it is almost impossible to trace the owners otherwise.